Monday, April 03, 2006

More party photos

I forgot to mention that one of the best parts of our open house was having a former GEB member in our midst!

Thanks again to everyone who attended, took our survey, sent birthday messages, or marked the occasion in any way. We'd love to hear what New Moon means to you.

We're still eating those cupcakes!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Open House Photos!

Mmmm, cupcakes!

Congratulations to Nancy and Joe, who started publishing New Moon 13 years ago!

We were glad that many of our friends came to celebrate with us. (Eat more cupcakes, folks!)

Future New Moon readers?!

Crystal and Melanie drawing names to see who won our open house drawing.

Drawing names again--13 people who took New Moon's "Being 13" survey won prizes from the New Moon Store. Check your email tonight to see if you won!

Kate with one of our fabulous GEB members.

Lacey with another fabulous GEB member.

Current GEB members explaining what it's like to work on the magazine. A potential GEB member and her mom are all ears.

The entire New Moon staff--hoping for 13 more wonderful years!

We're ready for the party!

(Click on the photos to see a larger image.)

Here's our conference room, all decorated. It's kind of grey and rainy today in Duluth.

We're holding a prize drawing for everyone who attends the open house.

Here's our merchandise display table. Go, New Moon Store!

Here's where we'll share the survey results and show off display copies of the magazine.

This is a poster showing the first few issues of the magazine, starting with the sample issue (March 1993, the penguin cover!).

Check back later to see photos of the staff and the party-goers. Then, send us photos from YOUR party!

The Big Day!

We're busy getting ready for our open house this afternoon! I'll be taking photos and will post some of them before and after the party.

Be sure to send us photos and recaps from YOUR birthday parties--I'll post as many of them as possible right here on our birthday blog. And, if you haven't already, register and put your party on the map!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Register Your Party--Get on the Map!

Are you celebrating New Moon's 13th Birthday this Friday? Register your party today and get on the birthday map!

Everyone who registers
by Friday, March 31, 2006,
has a chance to win a
"Best of New Moon" collection from the New Moon Store, which includes a "Turn Beauty Inside Out" t-shirt and a copy of the very first issue of New Moon (March 1993)!

Girls from Alabama to Alaska have registered their parties, and you're invited to join them (and us) in celebrating New Moon's 13th Birthday!

Survey Results are In!

The "Being 13" survey results are now online! According to the survey, "Being treated more like an adult" is the top reason girls look forward to turning 13, AND the aspect of being 13 that older girls most enjoyed. Puberty (and all the bodily changes that go with it) is the thing younger girls worry most about, and older girls say it's a valid concern. Of the things they disliked about being 13, growing up physically tops the list.

Click here to see the rest of the survey results.

Friday, March 24, 2006

"Being a teenager has real perks!"

In New Moon's "Being 13" survey, we asked girls ages 13 and older what they MOST enjoyed about being 13. "Being treated more like an adult" and "Going places without my parents" were the top responses. Here are some of the girls' other thoughts:

“Just about everything, especially the cool new things I get to learn.”

“The pride of being able to say I'm a teenager, and all of the freedom and responsibility that comes with that.”

“After I turned 13, I matured physically and emotionally a LOT. It was the big ‘child-to-adult’ transition for me.”

“Being able to make decisions and grow my own ideas.”

“Life just seems more exciting when you’re a ‘teenager.’”

“Finding out who I am on the inside and being true to myself. I can figure out my own values.”

“When someone asks my age I can finally say a number that has ‘teen’ at the end!”

“Starting my own pet-sitting company.”

“I like being treated like an adult, but I don’t like all the extra responsibilities people give you.”

“Just being always!”

We'll share ALL the survey results with you next week!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Looking Forward

In New Moon's "Being 13" survey, we asked girls ages 12 and younger what they're MOST looking forward to about turning teen. Here are just a few of the responses:

“Being able to do more art and writing, and being more able to make a big difference.”

“Just feeling like I'm older, feeling like 'Wow, look what I've been through, look at how I made it to where I am today!'”

“Being able to define who I am. Right now I have to do what my parents want me to—I have to take piano lessons, I have to be Episcopalian. When I turn 13 in a few months, I will get the choice to continue piano or quit, to go to church every Sunday or find a different religion—things like that.”

“Getting to join more websites and be able to do more on the internet.”

“Being able to boycott things...lots of things.”

“I’m not looking forward to being 13. I wish I could go back to 6th grade and stay there forever.”

“The freedom to say what I feel, show how I feel and act on things that younger kids can't do.”

“Being a kid and a teen and being able to act like both.”

“Oh, I can't decide! Just about everything!!”

If you haven't turned 13 yet, what are YOU looking forward to? Write to me and let me know.

Friday, March 17, 2006

13th Birthday Party stories!

Some of the girls who took our "Being 13" survey told us all about their 13th birthday celebrations. Here are just a few of their stories:

“For my 13th birthday I got a llama! Yes, a llama! My parents told me that 13 is a big step in life and that they thought that now handle the responsibility.”

“I got to have a mini party with my grandparents, mom, and favorite uncle. I got some special gifts (makeup, a diary, a gift card for books) that were just because I was an ‘Official Teenager.’”

“Since I come from a Vietnamese family, I had all my family members gather to celebrate my ‘turning teen’ party. It was very fun and I enjoyed it very much. The memories will always remain in my heart.”

“I had a birthday party with my friends. We went rock climbing, ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and had a sleepover.”

“I was pretty freaked out about turning 13. When my birthday came, I spent the whole day with my friends doing every little thing we’d enjoyed back in the ‘non-teen’ years--making a secret language, building a fort, having a grass fight, and all sorts of ‘little kid’ stuff. We savored it all before we moved on to the ‘teen’ years.”

“I did everything in 13; I invited 13 girlfriends and 13 boyfriends. I had 13 small variety cakes and cut cake 13 times. It was great fun and crazy and all my friends talk about it.”

“My family and I had the dinner of my choice and we played Apples to Apples. We really didn’t do anything special, because just being with my family was enough.”

“I was on a bike trip and the other people on the trip gave me a jar of pickles! (I really like pickles.) A girl on the trip made fried bananas for dessert. We were eating gourmet food at a camp ground!”

“I had a bat mitzvah!! I prepared for the big day for a long time, practicing and planning with my mom. It was so awesome chanting Torah in the sanctuary at my synagogue with everyone that I love listening to me. It was an incredibly powerful day and I actually did feel like a woman after. Turning 13 was a huge life-changing event in my life.”

“I hosted a ‘Barbeque with the Vampire’ mystery party. It was a blast! I had 7 friends over, and we played a game where you had to guess who the vampire was. We had a barbeque chicken dinner to tie in with the theme, and, of course, birthday cake. We served Shirley Temples for drinks in spider goblets, and really decorated the kitchen so it looked like the inside of a castle.”

If you've already turned 13, did you do anything special for YOUR 13th birthday? If you're not yet 13, are you planning to mark the occasion?

Thursday, March 16, 2006


"Everyone goes through changes in life, and girls our age especially go through lots of them," GEB members Sarah and Teague wrote in the introduction to New Moon's "Ch-Ch-Changes" issue. The January/February 2002 issue covered every aspect of change, from breast size to ice thaws!

"Even though changes sometimes make you sad or depressed, if you learn to accept them as a normal part of life, you can go forward and still enjoy looking back at how you used to be," Sarah and Teague wrote. "And change CAN be exciting."

Speaking of changes, we published the first issue of New Moon designed by Tracy Gilsvik a year ago. Tracy has created six beautiful issues of New Moon and did a fabulous job with the re-design of the entire magazine. Thanks, Tracy!

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